Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Response: Everyone's Prototypes

Nosh: I think this group's strong suit is their photography. Not only had they already set up their first photo shoot prior to this first round being due, but it seems that they have had luck with the creative library and have many exquisite photos at their disposal. Great job to all involved for having such a developed example for your prototype to turn in for this first round!

Cupboard: I was happy to see that the color bar behind this magazine's logo remained... and still at a tilt! I like the snacker feel they have created with their designs, which are snappy and clear. I think this prototype could really benefit from some simple infographics that pull apart some of the recipes and short stories to avoid making their prototype look like a cook book.

Shindig: I love the typefaces this group is using in their prototype. I think the fonts really help the overall tone of the magazine, which is fun, fresh, and light. I felt like this group had really stepped out of the box with their design concept, using certain elements as background features (like the wood). It was a completely different idea from the rest and stood out (in a good way) for it.

Plaid Dad: This group seemed to have some of the same issues with the copy they were working with my group did (Modern Midwest). I think that once some of their story drafts are updated, resolving many of their current design problems will be easier. I loved that all of the group members had put in so much working creating their logo together! I think you girls have a lot of excellent logo ideas to choose from. The one you all are using now could stand some manipulation... I'm not sure if the "super hero" feeling you were going for is completely clear and hopefully you can convince the publishing team to be more flexible about that.

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