Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Response: Typography and Photo Assignment

I had a great spring break this year. It was pretty epic, which was exactly what I intended since this is the last spring break I'll have, EVER! So weird that I'm about to be finished with school in general... I can't believe this time has actually arrived. During my break, I made a solo road trip through the midwest. I visited some old friends from when I used to live in Chicago and also my grandparents in Iowa.

The photos I gathered have assorted meanings... Some of them are really just more inspirational to me, personally, but I enjoyed the assignment overall. I think I would have taken the photos regardless, but I definitely ended up snapping some shots I wouldn't have, otherwise. Some of my favorites ended up being of random scenery I viewed from my car window while driving through Iowa. I don't really want to end up there, and I definitely don't envy my grandparents' small farm towns, but there is a definite beauty about the desolate portions of Iowa (of which there are many). Here are the photos I gathered:

This is Frank. Frank owns Hole in the Wall: the best Italian restaurant of all times.

The Aragon theater in Uptown Chicago. It was about 3 blocks from my friend's place, who I was staying with. I saw a concert in this venue exactly a year ago, so it was fun to be back in the same exact place a year later.

The bathroom wall at the Kinetic Playground, a bar across the street from the Aragon. This place didn't even card, it was ridiculous. There were all sorts of high school girls hanging out in the bathroom and I guess that's why the writing on the wall seems a little more hilarious. It's so neon!

I stopped in downtown Chicago on my way out of town and roamed around, taking pictures of signs and whatnot. Had to include a photo of the downtown area.

This is my grandma Heisdorffer. Everyone always says I'm most like her.... It was so nice to spend some alone time with my grandparents - something I haven't done in years. 

The new water tower in my grandparent's small town in Iowa. It's the first thing I see as I come over the hill on my way into town. I thought the clouds and blue sky was so beautiful this day.

I made a pit stop at the Mark Twain State Park/Lake on my way back into Columbia. My shoes were kind of ruined for the rest of trip...

The other part of the assignment over break was typography. Since my break was made up of an epic road trip, I decided to make the word "Odyssey." I used letters from all the photos of signs I took. Some of the letters are a little blurry because the photos were taken from far away. The letters are a little disjointed and don't exactly flow, but I still like it because I know where the letters came from and I had fun taking the photos for the project. 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your pictures. It looks like you had a fun, but crazy traveling break.
